Thursday, September 6, 2012

baby burd- 9 months

My girl is 9 months old! I feel like this past month she has really started growing out of the baby stage and is becoming a little girl. It's such a bitter sweet feeling. I am loving all the new tricks she's learning but at the same time I want her to SLOW DOWN! I often look back at pictures from her first few days and I can't believe she was ever that little. And as tiring and learning that first stage was, I miss it. But on the other hand, we are having a great time with our girl! She is so fun at this stage. Her personality is so happy and playful, this little girl is rarely seen without a smile on her face (which makes for lots of great photo ops).
At 9 months old Presley is 28in. long (50th percentile) and weighs 18.4lbs (25th percentile). We've got a skinny little bean on our hands!
Presley was a flower girl at her very first wedding! She rode down the aisle in a wagon at Uncle Bradley & Tita Lisa's wedding this summer.
She had her first beach trip in San Diego... and loved it! She played with the sand and anything else she could get her hands on.
A couple weeks before her 9 month birthday, Pres finally got her first tooth!
We have also started to introduce table foods! So far she's loving all her favorite baby foods but in solid form, and puffs! That one tooth sure is putting in alot of work ; )
She's got a new trick... this face! It starts with her scrunching her nose and inhaling really hard, and she just plays it up! She loves the reaction she gets from people when she does this face. It's pretty rediculous, but oh so cute!
And the biggest milestone this month... She stands! I walked in her room when she got up from her nap and opened the door to find this! Totally proud of herself like "hey mom, what's up?"
 and since then, there's no stopping her!


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