Friday, December 2, 2011

baby burd- 1 week old!

At one week old Presley's life should consist of eating, sleeping and pooping. Well so far she gets an A+ at life! Here are some milestones of her first week with us...

  • She has taken to breastfeeding like a champ from the very start! I have to admit, after hearing horror stories about women unable to breastfeed I was really nervous that I'd have the same destiny. But It's been going great! The very first time I held her in the hospital she was rooting her mouth as if she instinctively knew I was supposed to feed her. I love knowing that she's growing happy and healthy. And I love our time together while she nurses.

  • She is a little jaundiced. Not enough to need treatment other than regular feeding and sunlight. So we've been spending our afternoon naps sunbathing.

  • She's sleeping great! She is asleep most of the day which always worries me that she'll be up all night but that's almost never the case! I'm feeding her every 2 hours and usually have to wake her up to eat. While it's in 2 hour increments I'm averaging about 6 hours of sleep a night, can't complain with that right?!

  • Daddy is the baby whisperer. We watched this video pre-baby on how to soothe a crying baby. One of the techniques was to "shush" in their ear. The sound of the shushing is supposed to remind them of the muffled sounds they heard in utero and stimulate their calming reflex. So any time Presley gets fussy Ryan does the shushing and it works like a charm!

I hope I'm not coming off as this being easy, because it's not. Parenthood has definitely been an eye-opening experience, every moment is different. But I love it. Every bit of it. And I can't wait to see what crazy adventure this takes us on. With such a mischievous smile, I know this girl is gonna take us for a ride!

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