Friday, December 2, 2011

Presley's Birth Story

Disclaimer: I would just like to state that I started this blog post last Wednesday. I've been working on it since. That's what happens when you get short windows of free time each day, every day.

I woke up Wednesday morning at around 8am. First things first, morning pee. After my pee, while still sitting on the toilet, I felt another gush of liquid. Was that my water breaking or did I just pee more? It hadn't happened to me yet but I've heard of pregnant women peeing their pants (or in my case, lack there of) uncontrollably. I was really unsure and didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing so I pulled my pants back up and went on my way. Not 10 seconds later, another gush. This time I wasn't conveniently sitting on the toilet so now my pants were wet. I waddle myself to my phone to call Ryan.

Me: "I think my water just broke"
Ryan: "Are you serious? What do you mean you think?"
Me: "Well it happened when I was on the toilet so I'm not sure if it was my water breaking or just pee"
Ryan: "Well does it smell like pee?"
Me: (now holding my wet pants and smelling them. TMI, I know) "No, it doesn't really smell like anything"
Ryan: "Should I come home or what?!"
Me: "No, don't rush home. Let me just see what happens, I'll call you in a bit"

About 5 minutes later I text him to not call anyone until we know if this is really it or not. He texts me back "I'm on my way home. I told my supervisor you "think" your water broke and he booted me out. LOL"

By this time I had been continuously leaking small amounts for some time. I decided to call the doctor's office to get some insight. They agreed that my water had indeed broke and I should go ahead and head to the hospital. I wasn't having any contractions and had no indications of being in labor so I decided a shower and breakfast would be okay before we left.

We got to the hospital at around 10am. The nurse checked me, I was only 1cm dialated and the baby was still far up. She said because I was such a small frame the baby may just not have room to move down. She ordered an ultrasound to check the size of the baby. The ultrasound showed us the baby was weighing in at 8lbs. 6oz., holy huge baby! The nurse was immeadietly concerned about me being able to deliver this baby vaginally. She thought with the size of the baby and my small frame it would be very hard, if even possible, for me to labor and deliver the baby. She called the doctor to tell him the situation so that he could come down and consult with me the other options we had to get this baby out. Around noon the doctor made his way to our room and after going over the pros and cons of vaginal delivery versus a c-section we decided the safest route was to go with the c-section. Once Ryan and I made the decision the doc said "Okay. We'll get you in the OR in about half an hour." I think both of our stomachs dropped at that moment. We had just decided on the c-section and were shocked that it was gonna happen like now! We both immeadiatley started texting everyone about what was happening when the doctor came back into the room with some altering news. Because I had breakfast the anesthesiologist wanted to wait until 5pm to do the operation. So now we had to wait all day to get the baby out and I couldn't eat or drink anything (including water or ice chips)! Had I known this I wouldn't have wasted my only meal in a 24 hour period on toast and a banana. The day went by suprisingly fast. I started having contractions which intensified as the day went on. When they started becoming painful I was so relieved I wouldn't be going through the pain of laboring through them. Well 5 o'clock came and went. By the time they wheeled the gourney into my room it was past 7 o'clock. As soon as they started pushing me through the halls to the OR my nerves kicked in.

Ryan had to wait in a little holding room while they got me all set up. He says it was the longest 25 minutes of his life. I was so relieved to see him once he was allowed in. He came and sat by my head and held my hand. About 5 minutes later we heard the sweetest little cry. Our little bundle of joy was whisked over to the baby station and we both got a good look at that head full of dark hair. We were both stunned and in complete shock I think. Ryan whispered to me "I'm gonna go check her out."

Then the nurse brought the baby to me. As soon as I looked at that face I was in love. I couldn't believe this amazing little thing grew inside me. And now she was here, and she's mine. My whole life changed in that moment. I was no longer just me. I had a much more important role now, and I could not wait to start the rest of our lives together.

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