Thursday, September 22, 2011

Showering Presley, Pt. 1

Oh my, it's been almost a month since I've posted any updates on our little bean! Trust me, it's not due to a lack of things to update. There have been plenty of things keeping us busy, hence the lack of blogging. I'll try to get you all updated in this next series of posts. Starting with the most fun things, our baby showers!

The first one was our traditional Dead Coyotes baby shower. Any time a couple in Ryan's car club has gotten pregnant we throw them a co-ed baby shower! It's always so much fun, in large part due to the fact that we make the guys play all the silly baby games while us girls sit back and have a chuckle. Because seriously, watching grown men eat baby food is hilarious!

With our lovely hostesses Katy & Stephanie

The boys playing the baby food game. Looks like matty is about to upchuck!

We played some other games like a fun take off of the measure the belly game. Instead of everyone guessing how big my belly was, they had to guess the size of Ryan's belly! I thought it would be fun to use the size of my belly just to compare the two. And guess what, mine was smaller! That was a couple weeks ago though, I may have him beat now : ) For dinner the girls made sliders and sweet potato fries and Katy had red velvet cake pops for dessert, yum! We got some great gifts and had a really great time!

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